Teaching Independence & Education, the World is our Classroom! 

October 16-20 2023

The more the merrier!

Lots of transitions going on this week as Logan transitions from Private School to Homeschool. 

Zayden, Logan & Zyla are all handling the transition well!

On Friday we have 1/2 day and Electives

All 3 kids did a great job painting pottery!

October 23-27 2023

Lots of Praising

Logan has officially joined homeschool full-time! 

Logan, Zayden & Zyla did great this week! They also got to have a special lunch with Nana and go to their Aunt Heidi & Uncle Bruce's house! Kids aced their spelling tests this week and were very excited to have Dad teach them tape measure math! 

They finished off the week with a LEGO elective! 

Oct. 30 - Nov. 3, 2023

Learning & Having Fun

We had an excellent week; I will share some highlights! 

A science lesson on sound waves and an introduction to sound therapy where the kids got to try a sound bowl and tuning forks. 

Halloween school activities, haunted house, scary stories, spooky word finds, flying bats! 

Boys are getting very competitive about their Spelling tests and who gets the most right. Zayden is currently doing 12th-grade spelling lists, and Logan is on 7th-grade spelling list. I have been giving Logan some words off Zayden's list and he is getting them right.  It's great to see them both be able to handle a little healthy competition. 

Kids usually take turns making lunch, but often Zyla will make lunch for the boys because she loves to cook. This week Logan made lunch for everyone! 

November 6-10, 2023

It was a great week, we focused extra on penmanship, reading aloud, typing, and had a special Goat lesson. We also started horseback riding lessons again! For Veterans Day, we got to spend the day with our favorite Veteran, Dad/John, who served in the United States Airforce! 


I love horses, they are cute cuddly, and very fast. I recently rode a horse named Sadie, she is very nice and very cute. Me, my sister, my stepbrother, and my stepsister all go to a barn for horseback riding. Said barn is owned by a very nice lady named Jen. Sadie is cool because she can run fast, and she loves apples.



We went horseback riding and I got to see all the horses again and the cats. We walked and trotted, it was fun, and we got to feed Sadie the horse, apples. It was fun being able to ride horses again!



Horseback riding is so fun, and I like riding Sadie. She is very smooth, I did trotting this week. My favorite things are brushing the horse and trotting. 

The End


Baby Horse

The kids were excited to see the baby horse! The last time they were at the barn, Mama horse was pregnant.

Barn Cat

Meet the barn cat Tigger! 

Goat Lesson

Goat lesson this week, compliments of Aunt Heidi & Uncle Bruce! They learned about feeding and caring for the goats! 

Nov 13-17 2023

Emotional Support Animals

No matter what happens in life, our animals always bring us love and happiness! 

It was a productive week, kids enjoyed doing a few different science experiments, they did more reading aloud, typing and penmanship practice. They also got a lot of exercise outside and had horseback riding lessons again. 

We went to the book fair and Turkey Carnival at our local middle school. 

Logan is getting really into cooking; he picked a Pokémon cookbook from the book fair. His Dad is also a really good cook, I think he intends to follow in his footsteps. 

Nov 20-24 2023

Sister got to join us!

It was a busy exciting week, and we got to have sister Maizie join us for homeschooling. Zyla turned 11, Logan & Zyla started the process of getting braces, and we went on a field trip to OMSI. We toured the submarine, got to pet a snake, learned about orcas, and saw a sloth. The kids managed their budget in the gift shop, and they also had horseback riding lessons! 

We celebrated Thanksgiving with family & friends! 

All of the kids are engaged and participating well in school. 


Kids were a great sport with photo ops, boys won most dramatic with the scared spider picture! 

Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2023

Snow Way! 

First snow of the year has arrived!

Dad filled in with homeschooling a bit this week, which the kids thought was so FUN! We covered all the usual subjects, plus some occupational education and journalism practice! 

Dec 4-8 2023

We have been working on social and emotional growth. We lost a very close family member; all kids have been involved in helping prepare for the Celebration of life.  

Logan & Zyla got their spacers, in preparation for their braces.

Mini Field Trip to Fort Vancouver with Grandma! Kids saw a blacksmith demonstration, learned about fur trading, and how beavers parachuted out of airplanes.  

Dec 11-15 2023

RIP Grandpa Doug

Kids have been so great and supportive, especially to their Grandma! This has been an emotional learning experience for everyone. Grandpa was a Navy veteran who served in the Vietnam War, he was respected with military honors and a gun salute, it was very special. 

Logan & Zyla got their braces on, now we have 3 kids with braces. Logan has a tongue thrust, so he has a tongue appliance, which is not easy to get used to. All kids have a great attitude about it and are keeping up on their hygiene. 

Special emphasis this week on science, discussing the Periodic Table of Elements, Matter, Energy, Earth and Space!

Dec 18-19 2023

See you next YEAR!

We did Christmas crafts, reading, spelling, an independent science lesson, and reading as a group. We also studied the coins that came before paper money. 

Kids joined me for a fancy lunch in Kalama!

Winter Break 12/20/23 - 1/1/24

New Year - New Goals

Jan 2-5, 2024


All 3 kids completed their MAP testing this week. They all did great participating in a non-preferred activity!  

ZAYDEN, 9th Grade

Zayden fell within average or above on all subjects. 

LOGAN, 7th Grade

Logan is above average on 2 out of 3 subjects and he has made tremendous progress since the fall MAP test from his previous school.

ZYLA, 6th Grade

Zyla fell within average or above on all subjects. 

Jan 8-19, 2024

BREAKING NEWS - 32 Hours without power! OH SNOW!

We got our first big snowstorm of the year, lasting for about 2 weeks. Resulting in lots of snow, ice, and 32 hours without power. We had some snow play time, but also used this time to gain life skills. This was a great opportunity to teach the kids about emergency preparations. They were all a really big help with storm prep, they are learning a lot. We took advantage of the power outage by spending family time together and playing games. We also did a production project, Zayden, Logan, Zyla & cousin Jazzy made a news broadcast about the storm. This broadcast is made up of mostly factual information!

Jan 22-26, 2024

We are happy to get out of the house! 

We had been cooped up for a couple of weeks, we were all happy to get out and do some things. We had a special emphasis on managing our feelings and discussing social etiquette this week. 

We went to the library, had a nice walk on the Columbia River, and kids managed their money at a thrift store. 

Logan Started Basketball at Canyon Creek Middle School

Zyla started Art Club at Canyon Creek Middle School 

It was an awesome week!

Jan 29 - Feb 2, 2024

Zayden, Logan & Zyla getting Sadie ready for a ride! 

In addition to their normal subjects, kids are learning about video production, and video editing with Capcut. 

Feb 5 - 9, 2024

Logan's First Basketball Game

We started a unit on Chickens this week. We are preparing to hatch eggs fertilized eggs from our chickens, so we can hatch baby chickens and add them to our flock. 

Logan has basketball games every Monday & Wednesday from this point until the end of the season!

Logan's Mom & Sister came to his basketball game on 2/7, he was so happy they were able to come. 

Friday elective, we went on a mini field trip to Bonneville Dam! 

Report cards went out to parents! 

Feb 12-16, 2024

Basketball, Snow & Power Outages

Logan's games continue every Monday & Wednesday for the remainder of the season! You can see the progress he is making from game to game! 

More snow and power outages this week, kids are getting good and storm prep and making sledding jumps! 

In addition to our usual subjects, we continued researching and learning about the process of hatching chicken eggs. 

This Proud Nana made the trek all the way from Canby, OR!

Feb 19-23, 2024

Let's GO #50 - Logan Fan Club

Logan is having so much fun playing basketball! He has quite the fan club going on! 

In addition to our usual subjects, we focused on independence and self care!

Zyla went to her first School Dance at Canyon Creek Middle School! 

Feb 26 - Mar 1, 2024

Chicken Farmers? Maybe?

We have 7 hens and a rooster, but this is our first time hatching baby chicks. Wish us Luck!! Mon, Tue, Wed, kids collected and stored chicken eggs in preparation for incubation. On 2/29/24 we started incubating 21 chicken eggs that we collected from our current flock. Chicken eggs incubate for 21 days. 

We continue learning about hatching baby chicks and caring for them after they hatch! 

Oh and MORE SNOW! 

Mar 4-8, 2024

A Growth Mindset is taking over! 

I am seeing so much growth in all 3 kids, socially, emotionally, and academically. They are identifying their strengths and weaknesses.  

We candled the Chicken eggs at 7 days, looks like at least a 75% success rate. 

We incorporated bible study and making birthday cards for Dad into our Friday elective. 

Mar 11-15, 2024

All kids are doing great in school, staying focused and working hard. Logan had his last Basketball Game and they WON!! It has been really fun for the whole family supporting Logan on this adventure. 

3/11/24 Cougars WIN their last game!! 

March 18-22, 2024

A lot of Excitement this week!

Our baby chicks hatched this week. We had 2 hatch on 3/20 and 7 hatch on 3/21. We are now caring for 9 baby chickens. They will need to be in the brooding box for about 6 weeks before they can be moved outside. 

Kids got their new computers and thumb drives! Very exciting! They learned how to set them up, connect with Microsoft 365 and they even learned how to send an e-mail with an attachment. 

March 25-29, 2024

Gaining Real Life Experience

Kids continue caring for baby chickens daily, they are doing great and growing fast! Zayden, Logan & Zyla have been staying focused, setting goals, and engaged in all activities, including weekly horseback riding. They also got to take advantage of the nice weather with extended PE classes 2 days this week. 3/25/24 Logan received the Rebound Warrior Award at his Basketball award ceremony! 

Maizie got to join us for homeschooling on Thursday & Friday. Thursday, we added a special unit about food safety and all 4 kids obtained their food handlers cards. So proud of them, it was a great learning experience. Now they are ready for volunteer opportunities in our community and possibly a little safer when cooking at home! 

Friday, Dad joined us, we went on a field trip to Fort Vancouver and Pearson Air Museum! Maizie's first-time visiting Fort Vancouver and everyone's first time visiting the Air Museum. 

Spring Break April 1-5, 2024

April 8-12, 2024

Strive to be better than you were yesterday!

Baby Chickens

Baby chickens are growing so fast! Kids are having fun caring for them and learning about the process. 

Logan Starts Track

Logan started track and has practice 2 hours per day M-F.


We began studying ASL, and all kids now know how to sign their names.

April 15 - 19

Zyla picked Honolulu, Hawaii

Zyla said she chose Honolulu because she wants to study the volcanoes there. She also wants to learn about plants and animals native to Hawaii. She also hopes to swim with turtles when she visits Hawaii one day!

Zayden picked Paris, France

Zayden chose Paris because he thinks its a very beautiful place that he hopes to visit one day. 

Logan picked Washougal, WA

Logan said he chose Washougal because he loves living here. He loves swimming in the Washougal River and enjoys playing in the Columbia River at Cottonwood Beach.

April 22-26

Chicken Update! 

Baby chicks are still in brooding box, but they are getting the opportunity to be outside and enjoy some sunshine. Kids are caring for baby chickens multiple times daily, feeding, watering and caring for them! All 9 chickens are healthy and doing well! Kid's came up with some fun names!

Zyla's Chicken - Orchatta Purcell

Maizie's Chicken - Choco Taco

Logan's Chicken - Tiny

Zayden's Chicken - Momo 



April 29 - May 3

Logan 8th, Zayden 9th & Zyla 6th completed MAP testing. They all did great; results will be sent with final report card.

Friday elective was a trip to the Camas Library to collect the cards for the Reading Challenge they participated in. 

May 6 - 10

Logan Track

Logan is doing awesome in Track! His Nana came all the way to LaCenter, WA from Canby, OR to watch his Track Meet. That made him feel special! 

Life Skills

Students completed a job application for the first time! They also volunteered for our church to help with preparing for the Mother's Day car wash. 


Kids started IXL, an interactive learning program that self adjusts based on the skills of each child. This has proven to be a great resource.


It was nice enough to go swimming in our pool for PE, that made everyone really happy. They are all getting more interested in fitness!

May 13-17

Zayden is 15 on the 15th!

In addition to our normal subjects, and horseback riding, we are learning Microsoft PowerPoint. Everyone is embracing the challenge of learning PowerPoint and all it has to offer!

We also got to take a special trip to Bullwinkle's for Zayden's golden Birthday! It was a beautiful day! We enjoyed bumper boats, zip line, go carts and Lazer tag! 

Kids are working hard and on track to finish up all assigned tasks before the end of the school year!

May 20-24

Never to soon to prepare for the future!

In addition to our normal subjects, we had an extra focus on professional goals and growth.  Kids are learning a lot about different careers, real estate and entrepreneurship. They also made their first professional resume this week!   

May 27-31

In addition to our normal subjects, we worked on IXL did another Power Point Presentation and we completed a lesson on Microsoft Excel. Kids are learning to organize their files and use Office 365. Basketball and Swimming for PE this week! 

June 3-7

Great Wolf Lodge

Big THANK YOU to Washington Homeschool Organization and Great Wolf Lodge for putting on this Homeschool event! 

We had a special focus on IXL and NitroType this week. We also visited the Camas Farmers Market and learned a lot visiting a local antique store. 

June 10-14

School is out for SUMMER! 

We finished off the year by doing special projects in Microsoft Power Point, Word & Excel! Kids are having fun learning these programs! We also went on a special hike celebrating Logan graduating middle school!

Zayden - Completed 9th grade strong, scoring well above average on every subject. He continues to challenge me on spelling words, doing 12th grade spelling lists all year. 

Logan - Completed 7th & 8th grade this year, he worked hard to accomplish his goals and is on track to start 9th grade in the fall. He also did great in Basketball and Track! Logan has made tremendous improvements academically, socially and emotionally. 

Zyla - Completed 6th grade with ease, she has worked hard to try and keep up with her brothers! She has made huge improvements in reading and Math this school year! Zyla joined art club this year and looks forward to art club and playing sports next year. 

This website is a way for us to keep those we care about updated on our homeschool activities and progress. 

This is also a great way to connect with other homeschool families in our area! 

“There is no school equal to a decent home, and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.” -Mahatma Gandhi


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